February 18, 2016 · Comments
Like many people, my first foray into game development was modding. In the early 2000s I spent a lot of time making maps for Doom, and later Half-Life. But I hadn’t touched it for about ten years, until this winter, when Eevee posted a series of blog articles on Doom mapping, and I was inspired to take up the editor again. This map was the result.
I spent about a month on this (my initial plan turned out to take a lot longer to execute than I thought—big surprise), and I’m pretty happy with the result. It was neat to come back to Doom after this time and see how my perspective had changed. The tools available today are a lot better than what I remember, and I’m way smarter about level design than I was ten years ago. Still, by the end of making this, I was starting to get frustrated with Doom’s limitations, and I’m definitely all mapped out for awhile.
I’ve packaged up the map with a copy of the ZDoom engine and the Freedoom asset pack (since the original Doom textures, sprites, sounds, etc. are all under copyright and can’t be redistributed). If you have a copy of Doom 2, drop your doom2.wad file in the directory and use that; otherwise, you can play it with the Freedoom assets.